It’s a big decision to relaunch a book, yet it really made sense. If not now when? I felt the book deserved another chance, sort of a last hurrah, although neither the novel or I plan on going anywhere.
The story is still relevant today, about a woman facing seemingly insurmountable odds. It happens in Russia (probably now part of Ukraine), a fight against violence and injustice. A woman learning about feelings she thought had passed her by.
But it’s also like giving birth to a baby already born a few years ago. Who besides me will care? Is it a waste of time and money? No, I felt that you have to give your babies all the chances to succeed they need. A new cover design, a new campaign.. Exciting and exhausting at the same time.
If it works, then we do it again with the sequel, Where Do I Go, in the fall.
Meanwhile, I continue writing poetry and a collection of character studies which could someday become something bigger. As long as my brain keeps working and the creative juices keep flowing, I’ll be writing.